Is it possible for you and your spouse to live in the same house, sleep in the same bed, eat dinner around the same table, be quarantined in the same spac[...]
Is it possible for you and your spouse to live in the same house, sleep in the same bed, eat dinner around the same table, be quarantined in the same spac[...]
Have you ever considered going to couples counseling, but were afraid of the unknown? The first step is often the hardest because you are not sure what to[...]
In every conflict, there are two options: to go down the road of an argument or open the doors to a deeper conversation which can lead to a greater underst[...]
When the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve, many of us breathed a sigh of relief. Finally…2020 is over! Kiss me, we survived! What many of us may[...]
The holidays are known to be the most stressful time of the year. And perhaps this statement rings true in your own life. But, it doesn't have to be[...]
How do you keep your sex life active after becoming parents? How do you find the time to be intimate with your spouse when you are exhausted, there are hun[...]
"Help! My spouse is addicted to porn!" If these words are familiar, this episode is for you. Porn is a billion-dollar industry and a national epidemic that[...]
With COVID restrictions starting to lift, and the talk about a second pandemic wave possibly coming, you may find yourself feeling more stressed than usu[...]
The longer this pandemic goes on, the more things and events are being cancelled. Birthday parties, summer camps, vacations — the list goes on and on. [...]
Most married couples know that they love each other. However, do most married couples know that they are FOR each other? When you are in an argument, do[...]