Prayer can feel daunting, especially with the busyness of life. Where to begin? What to say? How do you make time to pray when you don't even have time to[...]
Prayer can feel daunting, especially with the busyness of life. Where to begin? What to say? How do you make time to pray when you don't even have time to[...]
There has recently been a heightened awareness of human trafficking in the news and on social media. While there are many conspiracy theories floating arou[...]
How do you keep your sex life active after becoming parents? How do you find the time to be intimate with your spouse when you are exhausted, there are hun[...]
Do you sleep 8 hours a night and still wake up feeling tired? Do you find yourself feeling exhausted, even though you've had your second cup of coffee and[...]
Porn is a billion-dollar industry and a national epidemic that aims to turn your children into addicts. If the porn industry can get your kids addicted whi[...]
"Help! My spouse is addicted to porn!" If these words are familiar, this episode is for you. Porn is a billion-dollar industry and a national epidemic that[...]
Resilience is the ability to withstand and overcome. As a parent, you have shown resiliency through a pandemic, through school closures, through cancelled[...]
Do you feel like you have a sexless marriage? You are not alone and there is hope. In Episode 107, Daniel and Christina interview Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley[...]
What does it mean to talk to our kids about race? What does it mean to engage in conversations of justice, race and privilege, in the context of diversity?[...]
Our culture is obsessed with figuring out the "right" way to raise their children. But, what if the most important thing a parent needs to know for a thriv[...]