What marriage and parenting advice do a 10, 9, and 5 year old have? To celebrate our 100th episode, our kids are answering your questions! They cover topi[...]
What marriage and parenting advice do a 10, 9, and 5 year old have? To celebrate our 100th episode, our kids are answering your questions! They cover topi[...]
Have you ever felt like you don't understand your spouse? Have you ever wondered why your spouse handles a situation in a completely different manner than[...]
No one wants their families to look back on this Quarantine and remember the stress, the short tempers, or the frustrated tears. Instead, we want our fami[...]
Can a movie about divorce really teach us important lessons about marriage? Most certainly! We recently watched the Netflix movie, Marriage Story. While i[...]
100% of married couples have conflict. But, not 100% of married couples know how to resolve their conflict. We recently watched the Netflix movie, Marriag[...]
Let's be honest. Marriage is difficult. There are seasons in marriage when there seems to be more fighting than kissing and more tears than laughter. In Ep[...]
After moving 9 times to 3 different countries and 7 different cities, experiencing both homelessness and unemployment, Daniel and Christina are professiona[...]
Think about the last time you had a conflict with someone. How did it turn out? Did you feel like the other person was misinterpreting your words, your act[...]
Have you ever been in a conflict with someone? Have you ever felt misunderstood or not heard? Does conflict make you want to run away or grab your boxing g[...]
Studies show that adults make approximately 35 000 decisions a day. That's 1,050,000 decisions a month and 12,755,000 decisions in a year!!! No wonder so[...]