What does stress do to a marriage? Does it make it or break it? We are seeing stats come out of China – the first country to be quarantined from the Coronavirus – that divorce rates have skyrocketed once the quarantine was lifted.
While feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress come with the territory of unexpected times, it does not have to break your relationship. Here are 4 keys to help you and your spouse survive your marital stress while constantly being together.
Have You Grabbed Your FREE Guide to Better Relationships with The Enneagram?
- We can’t wait for you to get your hands on this resource! This printable will help you have a healthier marriage, deeper friendships, and better work relations, especially during this time!
- Download our FREE printable: The Enneagram and Conflict Resolution: A Guide to Better Relationships
In This Episode, You Will Hear About:
- The 4 keys to surviving marital stress during this unprecedented time.
- How to keep the romance alive, even when you are with your spouse 24/7.
- What you can and cannot control, and why it is imperative to know the difference.
- The important role gratitude plays in your marriage during this time.
Resources Mentioned During the Episode:
- New Yorker Article about divorce lawyers predictions about COVID-19 and marriages
- Listen to our Mini Episodes about Centering Prayer and The Two Words You Need To Stop Saying
- Want to hear more about what bids are? Tune into 6 Relationship Lessons From The Netflix Movie Marriage Story to find out more.
- Hear more about time blocking on our episode about Keeping The Romance Alive
- Find out more about Love Languages on our two-part episodes
- Looking for dance classes to get your kids moving? We are loving Kidz Bop and GoNoodle
- Ready to count your blessings and concentrate on what you DO have rather than what you don’t have? Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts is such a treasure during this time. Also, this is the Gratitude Journal our daughter is using.
Quotes & Tweets:
- In these stressful and scary times, we need to be aware of how we are responding to each other in this history-making time. Remember, no marital relationship has EVER experienced what our world is going through at this time.  @imbetweenshow
- We only feel one emotion at a time, so it’s impossible to give thanks and feel fear or anger at the same time. @annvoskamp
- Find out what your spouse’s love language is and speak it often. @imbetweenshow
- Help each other find your new normal. @imbetweenshow
- Do something together that both distract you from the current situation and puts your eyes on each other instead of on the news or your phones. What makes you laugh? Do that! @imbetweenshow
- If we’ve made it through that, we can make it through this. @imbetweenshow
- Show grace to your spouse and ask for grace when you need it. @imbetweenshow
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