182: Unplugging for Connection: How to Break the Distracted Parenting Cycle
Ever caught yourself scrolling through your phone while your child’s voice fades into the background? Yup! Us too. Let’s face it, the era of smartphones has us all hooked. But did you know that this habit might be doing more harm than good to our kids? Distracted parenting isn’t just about not hearing their stories—it’s about the message we send about their value to us. In Episode 182, Daniel and Christina breakdown the costs of distracted parenting and discuss how we can respond to our children’s bids for attention to foster intimacy and connection.
In This Episode, You’ll Hear About The Following:
- Distracted parenting and its impact on children
- Importance of being present and engaged with children
- Examples of distracted parenting scenarios
- Emotional impact of distracted parenting on children
- Responding to children’s bids for attention and connection
- Role of empathy in nurturing intimacy with children
- Practical tips for parents to improve engagement with children
- Creating undistracted time to fully engage with children
- Modeling attentive behavior in interactions with others
Resources Mentioned IN This Episode:
- Episode 36: Netiquette: Teaching Our Kids Online Manners
- Episode 62: Parenting In Our Digital Age
- The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place by Andy Crouch
Journal Prompts For Self-Reflection:
- Have you ever felt like you’ve fallen into the trap of distracted parenting, where your attention is divided between your device and your children? How do you think this impacts your relationship with your kids?
- Reflecting on the examples in the podcast, can you think of instances where you or others you’ve observed engaged in distracted parenting? How did it make you feel as a parent or an observer?
- The podcast discusses the concept of bids for attention in relationships. Can you recall a recent bid from your child for attention or connection? How did you respond, and how do you think it affected your relationship with them?
Discussion Prompts For You As A Couple:
- How do you feel about the advice to respond with empathy, even when your child’s comment or behaviour might be challenging or negative? Could this approach deepen your connection with your child?
- Discuss setting aside specific times for intimate interactions with your children, free from screens or distractions. How could this impact your family dynamic and strengthen your relationship with your kids?
- Discuss any strategies or changes you’d like to implement in your parenting approach based on the insights from the podcast. How can you work together as a couple to support each other in becoming more attentive parents?