175: Rescuing Relationships: The Power of Intensive Marriage Therapy with Dr. Bob Paul
In Episode 174, we interview Dr. Bob Paul, one of the founders of the Hope Restored Marriage program. We discuss the concept of intensive marriage therapy and how it differs from traditional counselling. Bob explains the advantages of intensive therapy, such as addressing core issues and providing a focused environment for couples to work through their challenges. He also discusses the person-centred approach of their program, prioritizing the well-being of individuals while building healthy relationships. Bob addresses the suitability of intensive therapy for couples and emphasizes the importance of investing in relationships.

In This Episode, You’ll Hear About The Following:
- Intensive marriage therapy vs traditional weekly counselling sessions
- Advantages of intensive therapy
- Importance of individuals being whole and healthy for successful relationships
- Self-care and honouring God to bring the best selves to marriage and family
- Suitability for intensive therapy or traditional counseling
- The definition of a great marriage
- Resources, opportunities, and aftercare support provided by the program
- Recognizing when a couple is drifting apart and investing in the relationship
- Seeking professional help for couples hanging by a thread
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Hope Restored Marriage Intensive in Canada https://hoperestored.focusonthefamily.ca/
- Hope Restored Marriage Intensive in the USA https://hoperestored.focusonthefamily.com/
- The DNA of Relationships for Couples by Greg Smalley and Robert Paul – https://amzn.to/3M9TKng
- 9 Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage: And the Truths That Will Save It and Set It Free – Robert Paul and Greg Smalley https://amzn.to/4041D3c
- Restoring Hope – Robert Paul, Robert Burbee, Christine Arnzen https://amzn.to/3S2knhM
- Reconnected: Moving from Roommates to Soulmates in Marriage – Greg and Erin Smalley https://amzn.to/3QtDIHz
Discussion Prompts For You As A Couple:
- Dr. Bob talks about the difference between seeking a “happily ever after partner” and choosing a “journey partner.” How do you perceive this shift in perspective when it comes to your marriage? Do you believe it’s more realistic and beneficial to view your partner as a journey companion?
- Dr. Bob mentions that couples, despite having seemingly different issues, often share core underlying problems. How might understanding these shared core issues be helpful to us?
- Dr. Bob emphasizes the importance of focusing on the well-being of individuals within the marriage. Do you agree that this should be the primary focus in marriage therapy? How might prioritizing individual well-being contribute to improving the relationship?
Meet Dr. Bob Paul:

Dr. Robert Paul is the vice president of the Focus on the Family Marriage Institute. He is also one of the founders of its highly acclaimed Hope Restored marriage intensive programs. He is a licensed professional counselor, an international speaker, and co-author of a number of books including The DNA of Relationships and 9 Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage.