12: Why Friendship Still Matters
In Episode 12 of The IMbetween Podcast, Daniel and Christina Im discuss the importance of developing and building a community around you, no matter what stage of life you are in.
In This Episode, You Will Hear About:
- The challenges of learning how to build a community around you
- Tips about how to build community in the different stages of our lives
- The honest conversations that will need to happen surrounding friendships pre-relationship and post-marriage
- The difficulties of building friendships when your previous close friends move away (or you move away)
- Why it is important to NOT compare friendships
- Ideas about how to find “couple friends”
- Why it is necessary for you to be a friend to make a friend
- Why embracing casual dinners can be revolutionary
- How celebrating major holidays with others who don’t have a family is an easy place to start developing friendships
- Why starting to develop friendships now is important, rather than waiting when you are in need of help
- The levels of trust
Resources Mentioned During the Episode:
- Episode 7 of the IMbetween Podcast block system – the show notes contain the block system Daniel referenced in this episode
- 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You by Tony Reinke – Daniel references this book when talking about the effects of social media in our every day lives
- Travel hacks IMbetween Podcast – episode 8
- “The IMbetween Podcast will be my friends in the car.”
- “No two friendships are the same.”
- “You are setting up yourselves for failure if you start comparing friendships.”
- “Take the time to look who is beside you.”
- “When you are looking at Facebook, you are choosing to look at the past of other peoples’ lives, rather than engaging in the present of your life.”
- “Social media is the highlight reel of everyone’s’ lives.”
- “#latergram it”
- “Guys…don’t be weird.”
- “Be a friend to make a friend.”
- “Embrace casual dinners.”
- “Be okay with who you are.”
- “The point isn’t to impress them. It is to spend time together.”
- “I like pizza from Aldi and crumbs in your drawers.”
- “It’s the moments that you need help that you realize if you have a support system.”
- “Even if someone has broken your trust, you need to trust others. BUT don’t place your ultimate trust in a person.”
- “Not everyone you know deserves a seat at your inner table.”
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