Interruptions: They are the worst! Whether it is finding out your plane is delayed, getting stuck in unexpected traffic, or waking up to a sick child, inte[...]
Interruptions: They are the worst! Whether it is finding out your plane is delayed, getting stuck in unexpected traffic, or waking up to a sick child, inte[...]
Let's be honest. Marriage is difficult. There are seasons in marriage when there seems to be more fighting than kissing and more tears than laughter. In Ep[...]
Are there certain things stepparents should know about their stepchildren? Are there particular do's and don'ts a blended family should know about? In part[...]
Blending two families is not for the faint of heart. There are many conflicts and bumps along the way as you navigate how to blend two separate families in[...]
Are your mornings full of chaos? Do you wake up already stressed that you are running late and still have SO much to do? Mornings do not have to be the wor[...]
"I've dreamt about my spouse, but I've never dreamed WITH my spouse." Does this sound familiar? You aren't the only ones! On Episode 72, Daniel and Christi[...]
After moving 9 times to 3 different countries and 7 different cities, experiencing both homelessness and unemployment, Daniel and Christina are professiona[...]
Think about the last time you had a conflict with someone. How did it turn out? Did you feel like the other person was misinterpreting your words, your act[...]
Have you ever been in a conflict with someone? Have you ever felt misunderstood or not heard? Does conflict make you want to run away or grab your boxing g[...]
In Episode 68, Daniel and Christina discuss why our kids need to be bored this summer and how to help us not immediately default to the TV, iPad, or game c[...]