There are two words that we need to erase from our vocabulary during this difficult time. People assume these two words help themselves and others get t[...]
There are two words that we need to erase from our vocabulary during this difficult time. People assume these two words help themselves and others get t[...]
Does everything need to be perfect in order for us to have a reason to celebrate? Can we experience joy even when we are suffering? In Episode 94, Daniel a[...]
If you find yourself being bossed around by your feelings of fear or anxiety, try this centering prayer. read more[...]
Can a movie about divorce really teach us important lessons about marriage? Most certainly! We recently watched the Netflix movie, Marriage Story. While i[...]
We are currently living in unprecedented times. And, while we don't have the ability to "fix" the current state of our world, there are some things we can[...]
In Episode 92, Daniel and Christina interview author Jamie Sumner about the joys and challenges of raising a special needs child with Cerebral Palsy. Accor[...]
With the Coronavirus pandemic, we all seem to be glued to our news media channels or social media to see what our friends and family are posting. We, too,[...]
For centuries, people have been using stories and narrative to teach important lessons. Stories have the power to teach us to love, to forgive others, to b[...]
100% of married couples have conflict. But, not 100% of married couples know how to resolve their conflict. We recently watched the Netflix movie, Marriag[...]
In an age where we measure success, influence, Youtube subscribers, and Instagram likes, how do you measure motherhood? What makes a Perfect Mom? And is be[...]